They bring joy. Raising puppies IS a work of art, and, as the Monks of New Skete wrote in their book, "The Art of Raising a Puppy," it is a work that requires dedication and imagination.

Puppies require time and attention, not only from their mothers, but, if they are to be excellent human companions, from humans as well, and from the earliest ages. Puppies need to be handled carefully and consistently from the moment of birth onward. There are no shortcuts to raising happy, healthy puppies, it takes time, energy, commitment, as well as a genuine passion and love for the canine family.
Do you have the time for a puppy? Will you make the time? Will you be committed to always having time for the puppy, and, of course, for the dog that the puppy will soon become? Do you spend time in the natural world? Would you be willing to explore the natural world more for the sake of your dog's wellbeing? To take her places where she can explore and thrive, to bring him to where he can frolic and adventure?
Puppies will give you their heart and soul for safekeeping; don't forget, as their guardian, that their minds and bodies need contact with the natural world in order to be happy and healthy.
All Puppies are Cute
But not all breeds are a good fit for every human lifestyle and condition. Human civilization is a farther stretch from the natural world than dog breeds are from their wolf and wolf-like ancestors. Domesticated dogs have been bred over centuries for many different purposes, for better and worse. Please research the historical foundations of any breed of dog you might wish to have for a companion, and learn what their particular needs are, according to that breed, as well as evaluating whether or not you will be able to meet those needs. Puppies are fun and adaptable, but adult dogs whose needs are not being met become "unfun" rather quickly. And more than that, they are miserable. A dog left alone for long hours every day is an unhappy dog most of the day, even if he or she is given attention once you are home. If you sincerely wish to both have and CARE for a dog, and you are gone for some hours each day, consider how the dog will spend time when you are away. A secure play area (50ft. by 50ft. minimum) and a suitable canine companion is one way of offering such care.
Puppies bring joy. They need time and attention. Given that, both as puppies and as adults, they will give you a companionship beyond compare.
Another lovely piece. Do you use Puppy Culture type protocols with your new pups? Avidog also has some very good ideas for bringing out the best in pup and owner. I have not called as yet...mainly due to my touch of Asperger's. It is more comfortable for me to write:). -Ryann in Tulsa
Spending time with our pups and watching them develop and grow is one of the most rewarding things my wife and I have done.