The puppies of Red Fern Farm are placed with care; loving, responsible homes are sought.

All puppies are placed in homes where, to the best of my knowledge, they will live decent lives. Dogs need to run and play, they need careful attention, and they have an inherent love of the natural world. Raising a puppy takes time, commitment, and a willingness to be in close relationship with a member of another species. Learning their language, understanding their differences, meeting their basic needs and appreciating their love and devotion are all crucial to developing a bond which can outlast time. The greatest gift we have is our ability to love, and when we share that gift with a dog, the return is many times over.
Puppies need attention.
Puppies need someone home to care for them. Leaving a puppy alone for long hours every day is a form of animal cruelty. A puppy can be left alone for a few hours a day, but not eight hours a day every day. Please consider the needs of a puppy before adopting.
A loving heart, patience, and the value of relationship.
Dogs are pack animals, and, like humans, who are social creatures as well, interaction with others of their own kind is always beneficial. Humans, as primates, do not understand canine behavior and language completely. It is important that puppies understand canine language and behavior well enough to interact successful with members of their own species, and it is also important that they gain some understanding of primate language (both verbal and non-verbal) at young ages, if they are to be successful companions to one or more members of the human species. Never assume that a puppy understands you, rather, seek to understand him or her.
Plan for your puppy.
Plan for your new best friend. Long hikes in wilderness areas are the dreams of any dog. Discover where you may take your puppy exploring...don't be afraid to let the puppy follow you off-leash at young ages, as this is an excellent bonding experience.
You will be your dog's best friend if you keep in mind what makes them happy. Dogs love to explore the natural world--with you!! So take your young puppy out for walks in the natural world every day. Plan for adventure. Fall in love with the beauty and mystery of our original home.

Maynard/Jake, one of my first collie puppies (and the only collie puppy I ever sent off on an airplane), was sent to Washington State; strangely enough, I discovered, when the road sounded familiar as I was given the address, across the road from my brother Ken! He first had a home with Merry Smircich Cearley of Widdershins Farm Collies (and was named "Salt Creek's Reflection" with the call name of "Maynard"), and later, he became a member of Bella Collies, and was renamed "Jake." He spent the rest of his life with Bella Collies near Silverton, Oregon, the place where Bobbie, the Scotch Collie/English Shepherd lived many years ago.

Be Active!
A tired puppy is a good puppy! Take them with you wherever you go whenever possible, but most of all, take them out exploring. Such adventures are perfect learning experiences, and the puppy will learn more than you can imagine. Also work on the basics when the puppy is young: Sit, Stay/Wait, Come, Down, Heel/Close....and whatever else you will want your puppy/dog to know over time.

"Pippin," puppy from a recent litter, accompanying her person.
It is such a delight to see our pups grow and learn and explore everything everyday. We are so grateful to have two new best friends to share adventures with♥️